Sunday, March 15, 2009


I was told that to be a good blogger I need to be witty and comment on current events. I quite like the idea of being a successful blogger, maybe getting a column in some magazine or newspaper after becoming a great internet success.
But the question remains, am I witty and interesting enough? Can I say something new and interesting, bring a perspective to current events that has been unheard.

Perhaps I can, I am opinionated and believe passionately about some things. I can be quite funny, but really only sometimes.

So I'm going to take a crack at writing a blog and trying to be witty and relevant.

So who am I?
Well I'm in my early 20's. I was made redundant so am currently job hunting. I'm female, by default a feminist. I'm a lesbian, and feel strongly about queer politics. I guess I'm a bit of a socialist, but also believe capitalism would work if people weren't greedy and corrupt. I believe in democratic process but think must political systems are flawed.

I'm Jennifer, nice to meet you, I hope you like my blog and my opinion on the world.

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