Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Gay Agenda

So I was reading afterellen.com (again) catching up on the latest for lesbians in the media and read an article about Home and Away and an upcoming lesbian plot line and how the conservatives in Australia are getting upset. Lobby Group Pro-Family Perspectives are throwing around that "gay-agenda" again.
I hate it when conservative groups start talking about 'gay-agenda's' and things like brainwashing and corrupting the youth. I've never really worked out why people have this intense paranoia about what homosexuals want to achieve. I find it endlessly frustrating that my sexuality is always under attack as part of my morality. Homosexuality become synonymous with all sorts of other depravity, some people automatically assume you are going to 'jump' them because you are gay. It's really horrible to have your sexuality criticized on an almost daily basis. I also find my sexuality's reality challenged, people perceive it as choice, and there is nothing worse than been told you just haven't found the right man yet.
The gay agenda however is an almost comical notion that I almost wish was true. I find it sad and sometimes it makes me angry, but if you take a moment to think about it, wouldn't it be wonderful if all those paranoid conservatives were right? What if we did have people working away at government and in large companies working toward the gay agenda. Not that indoctrination they are scared of but the civil rights we desire.
A quick Digg search provided me with a few amusing articles about our apparent 'gay agenda'
Apparently McDonalds are promoting the 'homosexual agenda' and the AFA want you to boycott them. This is because the VP of communications is also part of National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC).
Microsoft also are (ironically) in on our agenda because they have diversity policy which includes an internal "affinity employee group" called the Gay and Lesbian Employees At Microsoft (GLEAM). Interesting because Microsoft has been accused of some very homophobic stances lately.
Oh and Hasbro is also on our side because they allow you to pick same sex couples in a downloadable version of the game of life. Which I personally think is awesome.
I think the 'gay agenda' is actually a wonderful thing because to me it denotes all the company's, groups and individuals who are out there and supporting the civil rights of every homosexual out there. These aren't always fuelled by homosexuals who have wriggled into the system to tear it down. Many supporters and company policy comes from 'normal' heterosexual people who understand that if you support gay marriage and don't discriminate because of sexual orientation you are not bringing down the very fabric of society. The term is loaded with negative context because it is used by paranoid right wing conservatives who think that change will bring about anarchy. Which we all know if complete fallacy, we are still struggling for racism to be abolished and for equal rights on the basis of race and ethnicity, but the acceptance of racial diversity has not destroyed society, and neither will sexual diversity.

I might be a term loaded with right-wing paranoia, but I think the queer community has really embraced the term. There is a news site called the Gay Agenda and there is plenty of room for satire and general good humour over the gay agenda. We don't take it too seriously and have a bit of a laugh, because we know what the agenda is and it's not that different to what other people want; equality.

UPDATE: If you're interested AfterEllen.com has another article about the Home and Away Kiss which did air.

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